Peak Potential Family Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Minnetonka MN Strategies

Strategies For Your Child Struggling With Executive Functioning in Minnetonka

Strategies For Your Child Struggling With Executive Functioning in Minnetonka Do you feel like your living groundhogs day with your child? Do you have to step-by-step explain tasks and routines that you do on a daily basis without your child remembering or initiating the steps on their own? Contact us at our Minnetonka MN chiropractic…

Chiropractor Minnetonka MN Julia Anderson Adjusting Toddler

How To Thrive During Sensory Overload in Minnetonka

How To Thrive During Sensory Overload in Minnetonka Hello everybody! Today, I want to delve into the fascinating topic of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and how we can provide the best support for our children and ourselves to achieve better sensory integration. Sensory processing profoundly affects our day-to-day enjoyment and regulation, and it plays a…

Chiropractor Minnetonka MN Julia Roth Southlake Neighbors

Clear, Calm & Connected in Minnetonka

Clear, Calm & Connected in Minnetonka By: Dr. Julia Roth, D.C. As the school year is getting started and kids are getting back into their routines, October is a great month for parents to assess how their child is doing academically, socially, and emotionally. Parents, do you find yourself saying “This year will be different”…

Chiropractor Minnetonka MN Julia Roth Southlake Neighbors

Chiropractic, OT, & Speech: The PB&J Of Brain Development in Minnetonka

Chiropractic, OT, & Speech: The PB&J Of Brain Development in Minnetonka At our Minnetonka MN chiropractic clinic, we are honored to take care of many kids with neurodevelopmental challenges such as ASD, ADHD, SPD, and speech and behavioral issues and we are learning more and more about what it takes to truly help these kids…

Chiropractic Minnetonka MN Yogalife Mag

Anxiety in Minnetonka?!

Anxiety in Minnetonka?! Do you ever want to relax and let go but yet end up going over your growing to-do list and getting even more stressed out? Do you have the intention of presence but struggle to calm your thoughts and turn your “be better” voice down? You are not alone, that happens to…

What Can a Chiropractor Help With?

What Can a Chiropractor in Minnetonka Help With?

What Can a Chiropractor in Minnetonka Help With? There are many different types of issues and health conditions that a chiropractor at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic in Minnetonka is able to help with. In many cases people think that chiropractors are only for back pain, but chiropractic care in Minnetonka can benefit the whole nervous…


Balance Is Key

August 7, 2020

Our body can teach us important lessons if we know how to listen. A great lesson that is easy to see once we “look under the hood” is how our bodies protect what is most valuable.

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Better Way To Sleep

July 9, 2020

Better Way To Sleep by: Embrace Your Inner Wisdom Life is easier and less confusing when we embrace the simple truths that are inside of us already.  Chiropractors make use of this wisdom and work with the body to achieve results, both with chiropractic care and in life in general.  Take the way that our…

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When You Feel Weak

June 1, 2020

When You Feel Weak By: Being weak isn’t just about a certain level of strength.  About not having big muscles, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or NFL football players.  And it’s not about combat, like a tough UFC fighter, or a competitive collegiate wrestler. While those are all examples of strength, not being one of those things…

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What DO You DO When You Are Feeling Good?

May 1, 2020

What DO You DO When You Are Feeling Good? A lesson you learn working in a chiropractic office is that people are motivated by pain. You have likely experienced this yourself. A problem arises, seems relatively minor, and gets no attention – until it gets worse, and worse, and worse, and DEMANDS your ATTENTION with…

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Too Much – How to Say Yes to More

April 1, 2020

Too Much – How to Say Yes to More By: Chiropractic is about bringing “more” into your life. The challenge is that these days it can be hard to bring more into your life… Without it breaking you down. Today there are more opportunities than ever.  More exciting job and career options, ways to make…

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Kids Today Are Moving Less Than Ever

March 1, 2020

Kids Today Are Moving Less Than Ever By: And so is (nearly) everyone else. Between television, phone screen time, coding workshops, and wired school classrooms, many kids today are growing up sedentary. While at the same time, research has shown that we understand more than ever the benefits of movement for children’s development – For…

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