Sensory Processing Disorder in Minnetonka MN

Does your child struggle with loud noises, certain textures (like tags on clothes), or being in specific environments? If so, your child may have a sensory processing issue in Minnetonka MN, which has become increasingly common in kids recently. But what does that mean? Your brain constantly receives messages from your senses: taste, touch, smell, sound, sight, movement, and balance.
In a normal and ideal situation, all those senses go into your child's brain, allowing it to process and make sense of them, and respond or behave appropriately. This is known as normal sensory processing.
However, in sensory processing disorder, the senses enter your child's brain but are either too intense or too weak.

As a result, the brain becomes overwhelmed and produces abnormal behaviors or responses.
For instance, if your child's sense of touch is too intense, even a small tag on their t-shirt can be overwhelming and highly distressing. Similarly, if the sense of sound is perceived as too intense (regardless of actual volume), a movie or song can feel like an explosion in their brain, causing them to struggle with it.
Conversely, sensations may be too weak when entering their brain. If the sense of movement and balance is too weak, your child may have coordination difficulties and not enjoy sports. It can also affect their fine motor skills, making tasks like writing in class challenging.
pediatric and neurological chiropractors in Minnetonka MN
Sensory processing disorder varies for each child experiencing it because the way the senses come in (whether too intense, too weak, or just right) can differ for each sense and for each child. That's why two children with sensory processing issues may exhibit completely different behaviors while both struggle with processing their sensory input.
Sensations that are too intense leave your child feeling overwhelmed as if their brain is spinning out of control. Sensations that are too weak leave your child feeling confused and lost in their environment.
This is where Dr. Julia and Dr. Natalie, pediatric and neurological chiropractors, come in. They help the brain receive sensory input at the appropriate intensity, neither too intense nor too weak. They achieve this through specific and gentle adjustments to the spine, which signal the brain to calm down, enabling it to correctly receive and process sensory input in an organized manner, resulting in calm responses and behaviors. Excessive stress in the spinal cord can disrupt the signals between the brain and body, leading to sensations that are either too intense or too weak, contributing to the abnormal behaviors your child may be struggling with.
If you would like to find out if we can help your child make sense of their environment and develop calm and coordinated responses, please give our office a call today. Our mission is to assist children in thriving academically, socially, and emotionally through our gentle and natural approach.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
Peak Potential Family Chiropractic
16190 MN-7
Minnetonka, MN 55345